
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How to Create a Dream list without Overspending

Yes. I believe everyone has dreams and many "to buy" or "to do" items. Dream list came about because there are too many "NEEDS & WANTS" vs "NOT ENOUGH CASH/CREDIT" to fulfil the dreams. Prices are increasing everyday. Why not create a dream list of your own to avoid overspending and actually you can save a little more to realise your dreams? This list determines your reasons "Why":

1) You are asked not to hold back your dreams and rather to have it on a list! 2) Put a price on those items of your dreams. 3) Post an amount that you would keep aside or save to fulfil your dreams. This way, you will know if you are working out your plans correctly or not. 

As you post the amount on your list, you will watch your finances more closely and distinguish the luxuries and the needs that we dream of. Most importantly, you need to start believing that you will achieve your financial goals to fulfil your dreams. 

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